As part of his field activities, the Hon. Kodjo Gnatse visited a number of localities in the region as part of a parliamentary restitution tour. canton of Sérégbénéunder municipal authority Akébou 2. The aim of this initiative was to inform people about the institutional reforms underway, in particular the parliamentary system introduced by the Fifth Republicand its benefits for national governance.
The delegation, made up of party executives UNIR, Akébou sectionfrom March 8 to 9, 2025, visited several villages, including Ayagba, Fon, Fontodji, Saraga, Passoukou, Migbeadjri, Ourourou, Brada, Danyivi, Danyigan and Sérégbénéthe canton's capital. These meetings provided an opportunity to exchange views with the local population on key issues such as peace, the fight against terrorism and civic-mindedness.

A tour based on dialogue and awareness-raising
This local mission has a dual objective: to report on parliamentary work citizens and strengthen their awareness on the country's current challenges. During the discussions, the Honorable Kodjo Gnatse conveyed the greetings and thanks of the Head of State, His Excellency Faure Gnassingbéfor the unwavering support of the people of Akébou for the government program.
One of the highlights of the tour was information about municipal elections in progresswith a call for active citizen participation. In addition, the delegation highlighted the achievements of the Head of State in the Akébou prefecture, highlighting the progress made in terms of infrastructure, education and local development.
A warm welcome and grievances passed on

The initiative was warmly welcomed by local residents, who expressed their admiration for the President of the Republic and their gratitude for the actions undertaken to promote local development. The local population also took the opportunity to express their grievancesThese include improving road infrastructure, providing access to basic services and reinforcing security arrangements.
The tour ended in a friendly atmosphereThe meeting was marked by fruitful exchanges and a renewed commitment between elected representatives and citizens. The Honourable Kodjo Gnatse reassured the population that their concerns would be taken into account, and reiterated his commitment to bring their voice to the hemicycle.
This feedback tour demonstrates the importance of dialogue between elected representatives and citizens, an essential pillar of a dynamic and inclusive parliamentary democracy.
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