N°0119/ HAAC/02-2024/pl/p
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
N°0119/ HAAC/02-2024/pl/p

Togolese Diplomacy 2024: A Commitment to Peace and Pan-Africanism

HomeDiplomacyBilan 2024 de la Diplomatie Togolaise : Un Engagement pour la Paix...

In a world marked by multiple geopolitical crises, Togolese diplomacy continues to assert itself as a key player, promoting peaceful solutions and an ambitious pan-African vision. Professor Robert DUSSEY, Togo's Minister of Foreign Affairs, discusses the main thrusts of the country's diplomacy. Togo's diplomatic action in 2024 and the challenges facing the country.

Diplomacy Committed to Peace and Security

2024 was a year marked by persistent geopolitical tensions, but Togo, under the leadership of President Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBÉ, played a key mediating role. The latest feat: the release of two Ivorian gendarmes, captured in September 2023 in Burkina Faso. Thanks to Togo's discreet but determined mediation, this release underlined the importance of dialogue and negotiation in resolving regional crises. Professor DUSSEY praised the efforts of Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso to engage in dialogue, which had preserved their historic fraternity.

Togo's commitment to peace is also illustrated by the creation of the Global Peace and Security Alliance (GPSA) initiative, aimed at bringing together various peace players worldwide. This initiative echoes Togo's vision, which has also taken part in international forums such as the Munich Security Conference and the Aswan Forum , helping to reinforce its role as a mediator in the Sahel and beyond.

Pan-Africanism, A Priority

Togo continues to be the voice of the African and Afrodescendant diasporas. A key moment in this dynamic was the preparation of the 9th Pan-African Congress in Lomé, aimed at strengthening links between Africa and its diasporas. Although the congress was postponed for logistical reasons, the six regional pre-congresses produced important recommendations for the future. Professor DUSSEY also recalled that the idea of reconnecting Afro-descendants with the continent is a major thrust of Togo's foreign policy, underlined by initiatives such as the celebration of World Day for African and Afro-descendant Culture at UNESCO.

Diversification of Bilateral Partnerships

Faithful to its active diplomacy, Togo strengthened its bilateral relations with several countries in 2024. The opening of new embassies in Doha (Qatar) and diplomatic relations established with countries such as Uzbekistan and the Bahamas testify to a desire to widen Togo's circle of partners. Visits by senior foreign officials, notably from China, Luxembourg, Cuba and Brazil, have opened up new avenues for development projects, particularly in the fields of agriculture, food security and infrastructure.

African integration at the heart of our priorities

Togo remains a fervent advocate of African integration. In 2024, the country organized the Semaine de l'Intégration Africaine (African Integration Week), a landmark event that showcased the cultural richness of the foreign communities present on its territory. Togo has also played a mediating role within ECOWAS, notably in facilitating dialogue with the three Sahel states (Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger), which had expressed their desire to leave the organization.

Perspectives and challenges

The year 2024 was marked by dynamic diplomacy, focused on peace and security, and the strengthening of Togo's bilateral and multilateral relations. The country continues to promote African solutions to African crises, while working for a more just and equitable world. Professor DUSSEY concludes by underlining the importance of Togolese diplomacy in building a stable, sustainable and prosperous future for the continent.

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