After a few weeks of business as usual, Togo officially has a new government team. The new executive, appointed by decree on Tuesday August 20 by the President of the Republic, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, will be headed by Victoire Dogbé and includes several innovations.
35 portfolios
The new government of the Togolese Republic comprises 35 portfolios, including those attached to the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister's Office. This is 02 more than the previous government formed in October 2020, before undergoing several reshuffles.
11 outgoing and 13 incoming
The new executive is made up of 11 outgoing members, including personalities called to other functions, and 13 incoming members. Notably, several new ministers have been entrusted with strategic departments such as Economy and Finance, Health and Public Hygiene, Maritime Economy, Mines and Energy, and Higher Education and Research.
10 women
The representation of women, already increased in the previous government team, is once again maintained. The new executive includes 10 women (nearly a third), with women appointed or confirmed to key positions in the Prime Minister's Office, Digital, Urban Planning, Trade, Town Planning, Grassroots Development and Financial Inclusion, Industry and Investment Promotion, among others.
Newly dedicated ministries and several others restructured
The new government also sees changes in the remit of several departments, in line with the Head of State's new orientations.
In this sense, a large ministry is now dedicated to fisheries, livestock and the regulation of transhumance. In the same vein, regional development and planning, previously a delegated ministry, is now a full ministry, as is vocational training.
Village hydraulics is now attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, as is financial inclusion, which is now associated with grassroots development, youth and youth employment. Culture is now part of the Ministry for the Media.
Another feature of the restructuring is the special attention given to traditional and customary chieftaincy, which is now a focus of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization.
More tourism ministries
Always present through successive governments, the Ministry of Tourism will now become a dedicated High Commission, working in particular on the country's attractiveness in the tourism sector.
Collaborative governance and openness
Last but not least, the new executive sees the arrival of two new ministers from political tendencies not represented in the national assembly.
"The government presented this evening allows us to maintain continuity, while at the same time innovating with competent personalities from our country", summarized the Secretary General of the Government, Christian Trimua, after the announcement of the appointments.