N°0119/ HAAC/02-2024/pl/p
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N°0119/ HAAC/02-2024/pl/p

School and university championships: A national sports dynamic launched in Mango by Dr Lidi BESSI KAMA

HomeSportsSchool and university championships: a national sporting dynamic launched in Mango...

The town of Mango, located in the Savanes region, was the scene, on Friday December 20, 2024, of the official launch of the School and university championships 2024-2025. An initiative chaired by Dr Lidi BESSI KAMA, Minister of Sports and Leisure, under the evocative theme: "A healthy environment for a healthy sporting practice".

A wide range of inclusive disciplines

For this year's event, six disciplines will be competing in the men's and women's categories. On the program: athletics and para-athletics, soccer, handball, basketball, volleyball and karate. This diversity reflects the ambition to unite sport and inclusion, while stimulating the talents of young people across the country.

A ceremony marked by leading personalities

Held at the Mango municipal stadium, the ceremony was attended by a host of personalities, including the Minister of Higher Education and Research,
The Head of State's Maritime Advisor,
The Governor of the Savanes region,
Local prefects and mayors,
Representatives of partner institutions, including BOAD, Plan International Togo, GTA Assurances Vie, and Choco Togo.
Alongside these institutional figures, political, military, religious and traditional authorities also honored this nationwide event with their presence.

Emotional highlights

After a minute's silence in memory of the victims of terrorist acts, the ceremony began under the banner of national cohesion. Parades of students from the country's 39 prefectures brought a breath of unity, coordinated by Seïdou Fatoumatou, the parade's security chief. The playing of the national anthem sent shivers of emotion through the spectators.

The program also featured folk dances and awareness-raising sketches, highlighting themes such as environmental protection and social cohesion through sport.

On the sporting front, an exhibition soccer match pitted the Lycée Moderne against the Lycée Technique de Mango, with the Lycée Moderne winning 6-5 on penalties. A 1000-meter athletics race also captivated the public.

Inspiring speeches from the authorities

In his welcome address, the Prefect of Oti, Colonel OUADJA Gbandi, expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Sport for choosing Mango as the venue for the launch.

Taking the floor, Dr Lidi BESSI KAMA recalled her commitment to the populations affected by violent extremism in the Savanes region. "The government and our defense forces respect each other by your side to bring back peace and quiet," she declared, before underlining the objectives of the championships: "Rebuild the competitiveness and attractiveness of our elite sport via the robust promotion of grassroots sport."

She also stressed the importance of school and university sport as a vehicle for education, training and the development of future leaders.

Next steps

The launch marks the start of a well-structured calendar. School competitions will kick off in February 2025 with the prefectural phase, followed by regional phases in April-May and the national finals scheduled for June 2025 in Lomé.

The university competitions will open in parallel with a regional phase in April-May, before the university finals scheduled for July 2025.

The ceremony concluded in a festive atmosphere, heralding a season rich in sporting competitions and the discovery of new talent.

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