The Office Togolais des Recettes (OTR) informs economic operators of the implementation of article 16 of the 2025 finance law, introducing a derogatory customs regime for diesel intended exclusively for machines and non-road mobile equipment in the extractive and manufacturing industries.
To benefit from this measure, companies must meet a number of conditions, including :
Be an extractive or manufacturing industry legally established in Togo;
Proof of use of non-road machinery and equipment ;
A dedicated fuel storage tank;
Submit a request to the OTR with an estimate of annual consumption;
Present a valid tax certificate.
Complete applications must be submitted to the secretariat of the Commissioner General of the OTR before February 25, 2025. After this deadline, non-compliant companies will lose the benefit of the current provisional terms and conditions.
The OTR insists on strict compliance with these provisions and invites the economic operators concerned to conform to these new regulations.
Editorial staff